MSP Fashioon

MSP Fashioon

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Wow... omg so much has changed DX. If you scroll down on the high score pictures, um you can get to see this whole ''dream team'' back then and pump is level 11.. and Joanna :'D ;-; she was my fave i only liked her. ;-; AND STACIE CAKUMS DOES ANAYWAY ONE REMEMBER OR IS IT JUST ME BC I HAVE BOTH OF THEM ON MY GUESTBOOK AND OMG FUZZYFUNSOCKSWOAH D: SHE WAS MY FRIEND ;-; Rdkitkat, ;-; which pump turned out to hate i think.....  and Sydney<3 BUT SHE DELETED D: i don't blame them ._., did you guys know i talked to staciecakums before... BUT THATS FOR NEXT GOSSIP FRIDAY BAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAH -Shudders- SO MANY MEMORIES I CANT :O. I can't find some people in my guest book -,- I have to delete... eh id rather delete anyway O-o.  Well bye! Im leaving  you with this.. o3o

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